Sedona Method – Release Technique 1992
This section will help you let go of three wants: Wanting to be approved, Wanting to control, and Wanting Security.
All feelings are based on the three Wants. By releasing these Wants, a constellation of emotions can be released.
This is the best method of self-help. It can help you in every area of your life, including financial, health, relationships, and general well-being. It has completely transformed my life. Do you have any experience with? “Releasing” This program is available to you, whether or not.
It was the first program Lester Levenson developed to help people learn. “go free” They can be, do, and have everything they want without any limitations!!
It’s so simple! This program is a simple example of Lester’s belief in simplicity. This original program was split into two separate programs after Lester’s passing (The Sedona Method, and, the Release Technique”.) These programs are amazing, but the simplicity of this program is far superior.
Learn from random people who are learning. “Release” Improve their lives with simplicity, speed and effectiveness that is unmatched.
From a feeling that you are afraid to an intense feeling of peace, it is possible to go from feeling fearful to feeling peaceful. Feel joy instead of sadness.
Your feelings are the only thing that holds you back. Learn to let go of your fears and learn from them. Release It will change everything about your life.
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